Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
ECED 4260 IC Design and Fabrication
Project A. Arithmetic Logic Unit - GCD Calculator
Design Problem
Consider the 4-bit Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) below:
This design lab will solve the GCD (greatest common divisor) problem. That is
to take two 4-bit unsigned binary numbers, a and b, and compute their greatest
common divisor, the largest number that will divide evenly into both numbers.
The digital system is implemented on the FPGA boards.
To solve the GCD problem, the following GCD algorithm was used:
function gcd(u,v)
load u and v;
while u /= v do
if u > v then
u := u - v;
v := v - u;
end if;
end while;
output u or v;
end gcd;
The final digital system should be like this:
1) When the system is first powered up, the user shall press the RESET push button to force the system into initial state. Then the user uses a set of four toggle switches to input the two numbers a and b. (Note: a and b can not be zero input. )
2) The system accepts a when the enter push button (active low) is pressed, same as number b.
3) The system calculates the GCD of the two numbers after the two numbers are accepted. Four LEDs labeled L3-L0 display the results.
4) An LED labeled DONE indicates that the first GCD calculation has been computed. Then subsequent GCDs may be computed using the same procedure.
The Lab Assignment
The design will be composed of a distinct control path and data path, which
will be put together and programmed into a FPGA.
Part I: Data Path
There are also some constraints for the data path design. First is that data path should be designed structurally. Second is that behavioral or other explicit comparator operations cannot be used within design, and only one 4-bit adder and four two-input XOR gates are allowed within code for the data path.
Base on the algorithm, we can design the data path: Two binary numbers are input to the system through four switches. There are three primary operations taking place after the loading of the initial values:
The following data path diagram can be derived from the above algorithm:
The algorithm can be distilled into the following processes:
Therefore the three operations of comparison, inversion, and assignment are accomplished as follows:
Part II: Control Path
Part III: Final Design
Part IV: Hardware Implementation
As a portion of this lab involves actual implementation of a digital system in hardware, it is important that several important points be made about how to handle this hardware. Large transient voltages such as those present with static electricity can permanently damage the FPGAs. In short, you must take special precautions in handling the FPGA boards and preventing the buildup of static electricity on your body.
Final Report